Wednesday 11 April 2012

Silly MSP Story: Cheese on a sundae

Random news alert!!!!

read all about it! Rockchic893 has all 5 easter eggs!

And Im Proud! They are on display at my garden. Yet again, if you want to go on MSP, click here ->
And that wasn't all the random news. Oh no! RockChic893 and Amychilds234 are mad about CHEESE! Yes, CHEESE! Here is the CCTV evidence! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is SERIOUS! They could flood MSP With CHEESE! Adele630's house is already flooded with CHEESECAKE! :O!

RockChic893 and Amychilds234 are the key suspects, but It could be other MovieStarPlanet users too.

Here is official CCTV Footage of adele630 in her cheesecakey house, crying for help.

Then, to adele630's horror, the two trouble makers struck her house again, and ontop of the cheesecakey distaster, her house also started flooding with...
KnickerBlockerGlorys! :O!!!

The scary CCTV Footage of adele630...
Throwing a tantrum...???

Anyway, since that incident, moderators have been closely watching over Amychilds234 and RockChic893.

Interview speech does not give any evidence.

Moderator: Rockchic893, did you on the 10th April 2012 flood adele630's house with cheesecake and sundaes, paired with amychilds234?
Rockchic893: No comment.
Moderator: Okay. After the full search of your Room, is the contract for 110 cheesecakes and 97 sundaes be somehow related to that incident?
RockChic893: No comment.
Moderator: I would like a comment, though. Give me a awnser for the last two questions, please.
RockChic893: No comment!
Moderator: Okay, fine. Interview over...

We gave up on RockChic893, and started a interview with Amychilds234.

Moderator: Well, hello, Amychilds234.
Amychilds234: What do you want? I haven' done anything!
Moderator: Just to ask a few questions. Firstly... Amychilds234, did you on the 10th April 2012 flood adele630's house with cheesecake and sundaes, paired with Rockchic893?
Amychilds234:... No, I didn't. But I know who did.
Moderator: And whom may it be?
Amychilds234: Its obvious. It was *censored*.

We chose not to show the name of this person, as we visited them and they committed to two inccidents. The adele630 house flood, and another unknown incident.
Using the power of the Phantom Of The Opera, they filled Justin3030's House with musical notes...
CCTV Footage shows suspects hidden behind the red circle. They were identified as adele630 getting revenge on another person for her house flooding, rockchic893 summoning blue musical notes, amychilds234 summoning pink musical notes, and adele630's evil twin adele6300 summoning deafining sound waves and a massive music symbol to hide their presence.

adele630 was sentenced to 5 weeks banned from MSP and a fame decrease of 50.
RockChic893 was sentenced to 10 weeks banned from MSP and a fame decrease of 100.
Amychilds234 was sentenced to 10 weeks banned from MSP and a fame decrease of 100.
Adele6300 was sentenced to 20 weeks banned from MSP and a fame decrease of 1.000.

Lol! Hope you liked my silly story! Please make your comments on how you think it was, and if you do, please include:
How out of 10 this was SILLY!

Thanks! Bye! :)


  1. Heyah, its Rocka! Just wanna remind you, if you want to rate this Silly Story outta 10, you gotta set it out like this:
    6 / 10, It was OK, but I liked it more than I hated it.
    A comment why you rated what you rated, please! thanks! :)
